Daily Archives: May 29, 2008

Word of the Day: Egocentric

When me told me’s Monster Uncle (the good one), that me start me’s own blog, he says, “You’s one egocentric monster.”

Me was going to ask him what he means, but Monster Uncle was watching the Super Mow. Me’s not supposed to bother Monster Uncle when he’s watching the Super Mow or Monster Lady Wrestling.

Dictionary says that “egocentric” means “having or regarding the self or the individual as the center of all things.”

Me still did not understand so me asked Monster Sister, “What does ‘egocentric’ mean.”

She said, “YOU, monster dummy.”

Me’s Monster Sister was no help, as usual, so me decided to do some research.

Me think that “centric” means like “center,” but we don’t know this word “ego.” Me searched for this word “ego” and now me thinks me understand the meaning.

“Ego” is a some kind of snack that you do NOT want to share with anybodies. When peoples ask me for me’s ego, me’s supposed to say “L’Eggo me Ego!”

That’s why me thinks the word “egocentric” means when ego is the center of your’s life. You don’t want to share with anybodies. Me’s think this word “egocentric” is kind of like being selfish.

Me not “egocentric.”

Me prefer pancakes.

Me’s still waiting for the sequel: “13-24”


Me think me know what me what to be when me grow up– Balloon Entrepreneur. Me want a house.